Get the best personalized integrative medicine healthcare you have been looking for in San Diego with Integrative Health Solutions

Our expert Naturopathic Medical Doctor in San Diego, Dr. Bronner Handwerger NMD, with over 20 years of experience provides a wide range of services that help you obtain optimal wellness.

Dr. Bronner assures you that you will get the healthcare you need.

A plaque that says best of 2 0 2 4 in the business hall of fame.
A plaque with the top doctor 2 0 2 1 award
A plaque with the top doctor 's magazine in it.

About Integrative Health Solutions

Our approach at Integrative Health Solutions and of our expert holistic doctor in San Diego is to combine evidence-based complementary alternative medicine with conventional medicine to achieve your best health.

We are committed to the doctor-patient partnership. We work together to achieve your health goals and we proactively assure your wellbeing.

Our multifaceted professional team believes naturopathic medicine provides the ability to get to the root causes of your health concerns.

Together we find the answers you have been searching for regarding health.

Here at Integrative Health Solutions, we act as your quarterback functioning as your advocate for your whole body care. No longer do you need to go from specialist to specialist, we are here for you every step of the way.

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Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Bronner

Dr. Bronner Handwerger NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. He is licensed by the state of California as a primary care naturopathic doctor, and is an expert in the field of Naturopathic medicine, prevention and Integrative Medicine. His patients affectionately call him "DocBron" DocBron treats many professional NFL and Olympic athletes using state of the art regenerative therapies.

Read more about Dr. Bronner

Dr. Boaz

Dr. Boaz Ritblatt is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who earned his degree from the University of Southern California, Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy. His interest in physical therapy stems from his own rehabilitation after he was involved in a motorcycle accident. 

Read more about Dr. Boaz

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Leslie

Dr. Leslie Black NMD is a graduate of Bastyr University and believes in treating patients mentally, physically, and spiritually. She focuses on tailoring naturopathic treatments and wellness plans for each patient. Her passions include women’s health, tea production and benefits, autoimmunity, chronic disease, functional medicine, and natural aesthetics.

Read more about Dr. Leslie

Dr. Wafaa

Dr. Wafaa Matti is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She takes an integrative approach to her naturopathic primary care practice, applying evidence-based medicine and clinical experience. Her focus is on regenerative medicine, endocrinology, and gastrointestinal health. Other areas of her clinical interest include natural aesthetics, orthopedics, chronic disease, and women’s health.

Read more about Dr. Wafaa

We are committed to your whole body health

Personalized and Preventive Medicine

We provide individualized treatment plans to each patient and our focus is on prevention.

Regenerative Medicine and Orthopedics

We treat and heal both acute and chronic muscular and joint injuries using state of the art modalities.

Male Hormone Program

Comprehensive effective and safe hormone evaluation and treatment to support healthy male hormone levels and optimal health.

Women's Health and Hormone Therapy

Comprehensive effective and safe hormone evaluation and treatment to support healthy female hormone levels and optimal health.

Thyroid Treatments

We provide in-depth comprehensive thyroid treatment protocols for all thyroid conditions.

Functional Medicine Testing

We provide thorough testing for various concerns and to also identify underlying disease. Some of these include gastrointestinal microbiome evaluation, neurotransmitter testing, food allergy, adrenal function, vitamin, and nutrient testing to identify deficiencies.

Routine Care and Referrals

We provide referrals as needed for preventive such as MRI’s, Breast screening, ultrasound, coronary calcium scoring, x-ray ect. We work closely and communicate with local specialists to help you navigate your health care journey making sure that you have the best care.

Natural Cosmetic Therapies

Cutting-edge natural cosmetic treatments such as platelet-rich plasma to restore your skin and hair to a more youthful and vibrant state.

A bottle of essential oil next to some herbs.


18 Jun 2014 - Jill & Bill
We have been patients of Dr.B's for quite a long time now. We initially were seeing him for male/female hormone & diet issues. Then my husband was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). Since there is no cure for ALS, we consulted with Dr. B regarding IV therapy treatments with glutathione. After just 2 treatments, my husband noticed a difference. My husband went from NOT being able to lift his own legs into bed or into the car without my help to now being able to do these things himself. The IV therapy has really stabilized him and given him a better quality of life. We go twice per week for the IV therapy & Michael is excellent at his job - he is very smooth when putting the needles into the veins. We highly recommend Dr. B.


13 Jun 2014 - Virgina
Doc Bron is the only health provider (and I have many) that figured out how to balance my hormones, identified and corrected a thyroid problem and gave me supplements that have improved my quality of life. He spends so much time with you during office visits, you feel like his only patient. Not only is he an excellent doctor full of positive energy, his whole office staff is as well. I am grateful to have been referred to him. I've never been in better hands.


September 28 2014
I have only had one appt so far and all I can say is I left with renewed hope of feeling better! I'm pretty well-educated on health related issues and I can tell Dr. Bronner knows what he is doing. Both him and his staff are caring and compassionate.


Dr Bronner literally changed my life for the better with his innovative treatments & genuine concern for my well being. I’ve been his patient for over 10 yrs. He embodies the true meaning of a “healer”. His desire to treat patients & improve their health & lives is fueled not by money, but by compassion and altruism. He is truly one of God’s angels here on earth!


Dr. Bronner's holistic approach to resolving my symptoms is a refreshing experience. He is attentive, a considerate listener, asked a lot of questions and he offered a variety of solutions (some at no financial benefit to himself). I really appreciate such an approach and I will be recommending my family, patients and friends to him.

Best Naturopathic Medical Doctor San Diego – Integrative Health Solutions

In the modern world, we are living in, there are many times that we are required to visit a Naturopathic doctor in San Diego. Some of the reasons to visit a Naturopathic Medical Doctor San Diego are:

Disease Prevention: Since naturopathic medicine primarily focuses on the root cause of the condition and applies treatments that align with the body’s natural healing this can be a very beneficial approach for preventing disease.

Natural and Non-Invasive Treatments: A Naturopathic doctor San Diego makes use of natural and non-invasive therapies to help the body for self-healing.

Mix of modern and traditional methods: The best part about visiting an expert is that they mix traditional and modern methods to provide natural ways of healing.

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
The primary principles of Naturopathic medicine San Diego are as follows:
● First do no harm – To help people with all possible conditions
● Nature’s healing power – Natural ways of healing are considered to be the best.
● Identification and treating of causes – Best way to cure the problem is to treat the root cause
● Doctor as the teacher - Naturopathic medical doctor San Diego helps elevate the health literacy of the patients.
● Treat the personal wholly – These experts follow the approach of whole-person, to strike a balance.

Meet Our Naturopathic Doctors in San Diego:
When it comes to looking for the best Naturopathic Doctor in San Diego, Integrative Health Solutions is the ideal solution. Our approach is to combine complementary evidence-based methods with conventional medicines to achieve the utmost health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Ans: A Naturopathic Doctor is responsible for diagnosing, preventing and treating acute kinds of illness. These experts also work on the identification of the root cause of the illness.

2. What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Ans: Naturopathic Doctors are professionals who are trained to diagnose, manage, and treat patients who are suffering from chronic conditions.

3. What conditions can Naturopathic medicine treat?

Ans: The Naturopathic Doctor San Diego can treat multiple issues such as digestion, food sensitivity allergies, fatigue, stress, sleep difficulties etc.

4. Can a Naturopathic Doctor prescribe medications?

Yes, A Naturopathic Doctor has the authority to prescribe medications.