Cleerly Advanced Cardiovascular Testing Explanation and Example

Life-Saving Case of 48-Year-Old Patient with Vessel Plaque

Life-Saving Case of a 48-Year-Old Patient

Below you're going to see some images of a patient of mine who's 48 years old, and this is going to save his life.

Analysis of Plaque in the Vessels

In this image below, you can see the plaque in the vessels represented as yellow and red. The red is the volatile plaque that can rupture and cause a heart attack. This happens to be in his Widow Maker, so he is at a very high risk of a fatal heart attack from this finding.

In the right square box, you can see the vessel with the red and the yellow, and the diameter. As you can see, the yellow, which is also a type of plaque, is infiltrated with a lot of red, and that's what's highly dangerous.

Image showing plaque in vessels with volatile red plaque in the Widow Maker.

Analysis of Another Vessel

In the image below, this is another vessel that doesn't have the red volatile plaque but has 61% blockage. You can see from the image where the blockage is occurring, and the blue represents non-calcified plaque.

This does not show up on a coronary calcium score, which is why those tests are ineffective in this case. On the right in the square box, you can see the diameter of the blood vessel and how it's been reduced by 61%. It's supposed to be 2.8 mm, but it's only 1.1 mm. So, this is another area in his coronary tree that would be a heart attack waiting to happen.

So, in this particular case, by doing this type of precision medicine, we're saving his life.

Image showing 61% blockage in a vessel without volatile plaque but with non-calcified plaque.